Saturday 23 March 2013

The Appointment (1981)

 Edward Woodward stars in this slow-burning British horror movie, which feels closer in spirit to the 70′s anthology movies than the 80′s VHS era it was released to.

It might not be to some people taste, as the slight story is stretched butter-thin over 90 minutes. Indeed, contemporary reviewers dismissed it as boring, and the film had only a limited cinema release. This is a shame as it does contain some memorable moments, and sustains an unsettling vibe for most of the film.

After a powerful opening scare involving a girl in the woods, we flash forward to meet Woodward, a family man who breaks the news to his precocious daughter that he will be missing her school violin recital due to a work appointment. From this point on, bad omens, nightmares, and premonitions suggest he’d be better pulling a sickie, than driving to his ill fated appointment…

This is director Lindsay C. Vickers only full feature, which is unfortunate, as he shows a lot of panache in the set-scenes. The movie's feverish dream atmosphere builds to an enjoyable over-the-top ending.

The film is currently on YouTube split into 7 parts.


  1. A very underrated supernatural thriller!

  2. Certainly agree with the earlier poster. Hopefully will get a blu-ray release someday soon.

  3. I managed to get the full film on someone's site..which was great because previously I was spliced into parts and was's a good film..I know it plods a little but there's something very unnerving about a good scary way!
